Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Unit 9 pg.86
1 and the she big city disk held half firm land paid them make1 and the she big city disk held half firm land paid them make2 Jane and the man may handle the problems with the city firm.2 Jane and the man may handle the problems with the city firm.3 Moorcroft, WY; Eau Claire, WI; New York City, NY; Newark, DE3 Moorcroft, WY; Eau Claire, WI; New York City, NY; Newark, DE4 M. L. Ramirez left for San Francisco on Tuesday, January 23.4 M. L. Ramirez left for San Francisco on Tuesday, January 23.5 wire open tire sure ruin said trim quit fire spot lids walks5 wire open tire sure ruin said trim quit fire spot lids walks6 Katrina opened a shop by the stadium to sell sporting goods.6 Katrina opened a shop by the stadium to sell sporting goods.7 many vice brag stun myth much cents under check juice center7 many vice brag stun myth much cents under check juice center8 I brought a recorder to the music hall to record my recital.8 I brought a recorder to the music hall to record my recital.9 their visit signs aisle chapel dials handy shake self usual9 their visit signs aisle chapel dials handy shake self usual10 Their dog slept by the oak chair in the aisle of the chapel.10 Their dog slept by the oak chair in the aisle of the chapel.In deciding upon a career, learn as much as possible about what individuals in that career do. For each job class, there are job requirements and qualifications that must be met. Analyze these tasks very critically in terms of your personality and what you like to do.A high percentage of jobs in major careers demand education or training after high school. The training may be very specialized, requiring intensive study or interning for two or more years. You must decide if you are willing to expend so much time and effort.After you have decided upon a career to pursue, discuss the choice with parents, teachers, and others. Such people can help you design a plan to guide you along the series of steps required in pursuing your goal. Keep the plan flexible and change it whenever necessary.